
Tape cutting machine features and uses
Tape cutting machine features and uses
The tape slitting machine adopts four-wheel automatic exchange coiling, continuous winding, improving working efficiency, variable frequency stepless adjustment, three-stage counter configuration, automatic deceleration, high-speed running, unwinding, unwinding tension, pneumatic brake control, and winding tension Control, equipped with clutch and reel independent sliding device, can adjust the tension and expand the wheel to a unique bow design, completely eliminate the wrinkling of the tape during the feeding process. The industrial blade is suitable for the stripping operation of BOPP tape.
The tape slitting machine is suitable for the production of BOPP/kraft paper/label paper/cloth base/PET/release paper and other adhesive products.
聂拉木县| 永德县| 东源县| 灵武市| 江山市| 富民县| 隆德县| 兴业县| 云安县| 沂源县| 辉县市| 东莞市| 沾益县| 金阳县| 宁武县| 运城市| 禄丰县| 容城县| 雷州市| 潮安县| 始兴县| 南和县| 贡山| 冷水江市| 永平县| 行唐县| 调兵山市| 盐城市| 新泰市| 通州市| 东辽县| 天水市| 依安县| 阿克苏市| 西平县| 边坝县| 青铜峡市| 嫩江县| 西贡区| 合江县| 黄陵县|