
Company Profile
Ruihai Machinery Co.,Ltd.is a professional manufacturer of paper,plastic soft package Installation of the joint-stock enterprises.Company production,sales and service in one.After a Development,now has strong technical force and improve the processing system;has a Preparation of annual output of nearly three hundred sets of various types of packaging equipment capacity.Learning from domestic and foreign.Advanced tech-nology, we combine the market demand,and constantly develop new Packaging equipment.Widely used in paper products and paper,plastic processing industry In addition to selling products Throughout the country,is now part of the exports to Latin America;Southeast Asia and other countries and regions.And achieved a good reputation.
In the new market economy,Ruihai companies will be in “good faith cooperation,the user first” business philosophy to good service for security to continue Adhering to the “want to enterprises are thinking,but did not want to enterprises;to do business of doing Without making enterprises more to do business approach.Work together to build brand packaging equipment.Provide customers with better service.

大安市| 灌阳县| 贡嘎县| 涿鹿县| 东台市| 田东县| 通许县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 灵宝市| 淄博市| 漳州市| 邵东县| 乌兰县| 清徐县| 阿城市| 顺平县| 滕州市| 海口市| 庆城县| 武定县| 盐津县| 堆龙德庆县| 南汇区| 偃师市| 峨山| 曲阳县| 郴州市| 海兴县| 临夏市| 乡城县| 大姚县| 鹰潭市| 渝中区| 高尔夫| 天柱县| 金寨县| 康平县| 隆化县| 民丰县| 民县| 高要市|