
After-sales commitment

1. If the product fails during use, and the telephone, fax and E-mail can not be solved, our company will send professional and technical personnel to the scene to solve the problem, so that the user's loss is reduced to a minimum.
2. For the user's request for service, reply within 8 hours and come up with a solution.
3. The equipment has been approved for delivery time, domestic customers are free to install, commissioning (foreign users need to pay for air tickets and accommodations), after-sales personnel will inform customers how to carry out product maintenance common sense.
4. Within one week of delivery of the equipment, our after-sales personnel will conduct telephone tracking consultation until the customer is satisfied.
5. One year warranty, lifetime maintenance.
扶余县| 津南区| 济源市| 瑞安市| 宕昌县| 白朗县| 肇庆市| 察雅县| 安图县| 新田县| 安图县| 迁西县| 深水埗区| 万载县| 岫岩| 百色市| 东明县| 县级市| 屯留县| 新建县| 武乡县| 望奎县| 曲麻莱县| 康马县| 太湖县| 云龙县| 友谊县| 泗阳县| 历史| 河东区| 白朗县| 石泉县| 来宾市| 松潘县| 普陀区| 常熟市| 潢川县| 郁南县| 沙雅县| 南岸区| 边坝县|